
What can you do to help cure autoimmune diseases?

The Autoimmune Registry Inc. (ARI) is pleased to be among the sources cited for the National Academy of Sciences 2022 Report on Enhancing NIH Research on Autoimmune Disease. The report noted that the "lack of population-based data is of particular concern.”  ARI’s research is close to addressing this problem as we complete our prevalence project at the University of Southern California.

Contribute to the Autoimmune Registry today!

To bring the autoimmune disease community together and unify the voices of over 100 diseases takes money, specifically:

  • $2,000 for computers for our patient advocates to maintain our Facebook and social media presence;

  • $5,000 to attend advocacy meetings like the ones hosted by Global Genes, where we are creating an autoimmune disease patient group meeting;

  • $5,000 to recruit participants for clinical trials to find new diagnostic tools, treatments, and even cures.

Any contribution you can make will support our mission!  Please help us bring awareness to autoimmune diseases so we can move research forward to find new treatments and cures!

Make a contribution today: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1356513398435917/

Make a video on why you believe it's important to contribute to the Autoimmune Registry: https://autoimmuneregistry.soapboxx.com/question/why_do_you_contribute_to_the_autoimmune_registry

Or share below.