
What do you hope to see in autoimmune disease research in 2023?

Another new study has indicated that autoantibodies are at play for both Covid and long Covid patients. Antibodies are part of our immune system that flag foreign antigens for the immune cells to attack. However, for patients with autoimmune diseases, some of these antibodies mistakenly direct the body to attack itself and are thus called auto-antibodies.

There is mounting evidence that patients infected with Covid develop autoantibodies that direct the immune cells to attack the patients’ own body. Some of the autoantibodies resemble those found in lupus patients during flares. Autoantibodies are also associated with the more severe complications of Covid.

Autoimmune Registry What do you hope to see in autoimmune disease research in 2023?

Moreover, scientists found that autoantibodies are likely at play for long Covid patients as a significant number of long Covid patients test positive for ANA, a blood test used to detect certain autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmunity is undeniably a significant aspect of Covid and long Covid. Now that autoimmunity has the world’s attention, what do you hope to see in the field of autoimmune disease research in 2023? Share your thoughts with us or post it on social media.

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