
March is Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month!

With more than 100 confirmed and suspected autoimmune diseases that collectively affect over 24 million people (just in the US), let’s make sure our diseases do not remain invisible. Our symptoms may be invisible, but we are not. Let's use our voices to show the world how prevalent autoimmune diseases are. 

Share your autoimmune disease with the world by making a video here. There is also an option to make the video anonymous with pixelation. Your story matters to others going through the same experience but think they are alone; it matters to the patients whose physicians told them that autoimmune diseases are rare and unlikely.

Let’s normalize the conversation around autoimmune diseases and share our stories to raise awareness. You can also get to know the other registrants by looking through the videos that have already been made on the right.

To support the Autoimmune Registry, please join our registry or share our information with others. Donations are also greatly appreciated!