
Is fibromyalgia an autoimmune disease?

One of the most commonly reported conditions by our registrants is fibromyalgia (fibro). This condition has long baffled physicians with unexplained pain and fatigue reported by patients.  One study published in 2021 found evidence that fibro may be autoimmune.

When scientists injected a type of antibody called IgG from fibro patients into mice, they detected hypersensitivity to pressure and cold stimulation among the mice.  In contrast, mice injected with IgG from healthy subjects had no such sensitivity.  The study concluded that IgG from fibro patients produced painful sensory hypersensitivities and that therapies aimed at reducing these antibodies may be effective for fibro.

Over 500 people in the Autoimmune Registry (ARI) reported having fibro.  Among these individuals, almost 98% reported having another autoimmune condition.  Below is a breakdown of the top confirmed autoimmune diseases reported by fibro patients in our registry

It is possible that fibro is an autoimmune disease, but more research is needed to determine the immune mechanisms at work.  ARI supports this research, which we believe will lead to improved diagnosis and treatments.

Help us learn more about autoimmune diseases by asking others with the diseases to join our registryDonations are also greatly appreciated!  Together, we can better uncover the connections among autoimmune diseases.